Yunier Prieur Coloma

(2020) Ph.D. (c) in Science and Engineering for Health, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.

Thesis project

Generative model for brain dynamics analysis with biophysically interpretable parameters

Brain states are the manifestation of “quasi-stable” brain networks that transition in time. Alterations in brain states eventually produce functional and behavioral disorders, whose symptoms appear in advanced stages of the disorder. Therefore, brain dynamics analysis has been proposed as a tool to detect biomarkers in asymptomatic individuals. Methodologically, estimating the evolution of brain states is challenging due to its non-stationary nature. The Lab has modeled this as a hybrid dynamical system, where the states are modeled as discrete hidden variables, emitting continuous measurements. My project will develop a Hidden Markov Hybrid Model with parameters expressing changes in the biophysics of the underlying generation mechanism. In this way, these parameters could be used as predictors that allow early interventions in people with a probability of developing neurodegenerative diseases in the future.


(2016) Automatic Engineering, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba.

Areas of interest

· Probabilistic modeling

· Machine Learning

· Cognitive Neuroscience

· Biomedical Signal processing