



April 2023

Congratulations to Aland Astudillo who obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biophysics and Computational Biology, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaiso, Chile. Thesis titled Modelling brain dynamics in resting-state EEG with Hidden Markov Models.

March 2023

Congratulations to Yunier Prieur for his accepted project thesis titled Generative model for brain dynamics analysis with biophysically interpretable parameters.

January 2023

Congratulations to Felipe Torres for his accepted Postdoctoral ANID Fondecyt project titled Selective controllability of synchrony and dynamics of functional brain networks. January 2023. The project proposes using control network theory to identify and subsequently enhance the use of external stimuli in neuro-rehabilitation.

January 2023

Congratulations to Alejandro Weinstein for his accepted application project FONDECYT titled Novel EEG topography analysis using Graph Signal Processing and Network Control Theory. It is a transdisciplinary project that combines, on the one hand, techniques of control and signal processing developed over the past decade, with processing and analysis of the electroencephalogram. This application will improve information, both for clinical use and scientific, which can be extracted from this type of signal.




July 2022

Congratulations to Gabriela Vargas who has been awarded the prestigious ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Programme (STEP) scholarship, which is jointly offered by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).

June 2022

Part of our group attended OHBM 2022 Annual Meeting at Glasgow, Scotland with interesting and great presentations.




November 2021

Caroline Lea-Carnall gave a talk titled Using in silico models to bridge the gap between synaptic activity and human in vivo quantification of neurotransmitter dynamics’, The Physiological society (November 2021).

October 2021

Congratulations to Caroline Lea-Carnall for his accepted abstract Frequency-dependent Plasticity in Int J Psychophys.

September 2021

Caroline Lea-Carnall gave a talk titled Frequency Dependent Neural Entrainment: From Mechanisms to Applications’, 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology (Sept 2021).

August 2021

Wednesday 11th August our team members Lucía Zepeda and Aland Astudillo gave a tutorial titled EEG Preprocessing Tutorial for resting-state data for the laboratory team.

June 2021

Our laboratory members Lucía Zepeda and Aland Astudillo prepared a HsMM Brain Dynamics tutorial for people in 3 countries. The Tutorial had the participation of Nelson Trujillo-Barreto, David Araya, and Hernan Hernandez as speakers. Thursday 24th Jun.

Jan 2021

Caroline Lea-Carnall gave a talk titled (f)MRS as a tool to probe cognitive function’, GABA GABBER, International Symposium on MRS sponsored by The Royal Society (Jan 2021).




November 2020

Caroline Lea-Carnall gave a talk titled A mean-field model of neurotransmitter dynamics’ Quantative Life Sciences Group, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy Nov 2020).

October 2020

On Monday 19 October, David Araya will give a tutorial on ZOOM on the use of the HsMM-MAR toolbox.

October 2020

Congratulations to Caroline for the acceptance of her paper in iScience.

September 2020

Lucia Zepeda successfully defended her masters thesis: Actividad Anticipatoria Predice La Descarga Corolaria: Alteración En Participantes Con Esquizofrenia. She obtained the Master in Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaiso, Chile

August 2020

Monica Otero successfully defended her PhD Thesis: Entrainment and phase-dependent persistence of the EEG alpha oscillations: computational modeling and empirical evidence, PhD Electronics Engineering, UTFSM, Valparaíso Chile. She joined the group as a postdoc.

August 2020

Congratulations to Samy Castro for the acceptance of his paper in PLoS Computational Biology.

June 2020

Francisca Donoso sucessfully defended her graduation project thesis: Comparison Of Models For Brain States Allocation Applied To Data From A Biophysical Model. She obtained her BSc Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile

June 2020

Congratulations to our collaborator Monica Otero for the acceptance of her paper in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Persistence of EEG Alpha Entrainment Depends on Stimulus Phase at Offset.

February 2020

Wael and Nelson are presenting at the ICTP the proposed approached to bridge between biophysical models of the brain and machine learning techniques for identifying switching dynamics, the topic of the new FONDECYT 2020-2023.

January 2020

Wael started his associateship with the ICTP in Trieste, Italy.




September 2019

Aland Astudillo presented part of his Ph.D. thesis work as oral presentation titled ''Spontaneous brain dynamics characterization in Parkinson's Disease'' at XV Annual Meeting Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias, La Serena, Chile, September 2019.


June 2019

This week many of are in Rome attending the OHBM meeting. We have presentations throughout the week. Aland Astudillo, Alejandro Weinstein, Caroline Lea, David Araya, Grace and Monica Otero are presenting. Come and Join us...

Aland Astudillo: Poster W252, Titled "Altered resting-state switching dynamics in Parkinson's Disease"

Alejandro Weinstein: Poster Th068, Titled "A wearable device for generating periodic somatosensory stimulation"

Monica Otero: Poster T870, Titled: "Cortical Mechanisms of the persistence of visual alpha entrainment"

Grace Whitaker: Poster 658, Titled: "Striatal Dopamina in Attentional Inhibition: Too Much, Too Little or Just Enough"

David Araya: Poster w850, Titled: "Modelling the Brain as a Hybrid System: Inferring Functional Connectivity Dynamics with State Space Representations"


May 2019

Congratulations to Pavel for the publication of his papers “Estimation of auditory steady-state responses based on the averaging of independent EEG epochs “, in PloS One, and “A Method for Tracking the Time Evolution of Steady-State Evoked Potentials” in JOVE

May 2019

Join us at VSS 2019, St. Pete Beach, Florida, May 17-22. Alejandro Weinstein will present Monica Otero’s award winning poster "Entrainment of brain oscillations persists after the entrainer removal" on Saturday 18th

March 2019

Congratulations to Lucia Zepeda for obtaining a CONICYT masters scholarship. Lucia is completing a masters in Biomedical Engineering, analysing the EEG frequency response to illusionary figures in schizophrenia, in collaboration with the El Salvador Psychiatric Hospital in Playa Ancha, Valparaiso.

March 2019

Congratulations to Monica Otero for winning a Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award to attend the 2019 Vision Sciences Vision Sciences Society meeting. Monica will present her award winning work on Saturday, May 18, 2019, at the 08:30 12:30 poster session

January 2019

Fifth Latin American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience. Valparaíso, Chile. January 7-25, 2019.




December 2018

Wael El-Deredy is speaker in work called Dynamics Brain State allocation in health and neurodegeneration”. Annual meeting. Computational modeling of neurodegenration and the aging brain. Havana, Cuba. 2-4 December, 2018.

November 2018

XIV Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia 2018, Puerto Varas, Chile Noviembre 20-22, 2018.
Wael El-Deredy is speaker in presentation called “Human cortical responses to stress”. Authors: Wael El-Deredy, Alejandro Weinstein, David Gallaghe
Aland Astudillo display poster presentation called Resting-state brain switching dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease”. Authors: Aland Astudillo, Patricio Orio, Wael El-Deredy, Sonja Kotz, Nelson Trujillo-Barreto.
Mónica Otero display poster presentation called “Influence of phase and frecuency of a periodic stimuli in the entrainment of alpha oscillations in the brain”. Authors: Mónica Otero Ferreiro, María José Escobar-Silva, Wael El-Deredy.


September 2018

Sixth Biennial Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity, Montreal, Canada September 26-28, 2018.
David Araya display poster presentation called “The explicit duration modelling of brain connectivity states”. Authors: David Araya, Wael El-Deredy, Nelson Trujillo-Barreto.
Aland Astudillo display poster presentation called “Loss of Resting State EEG switching dynamics at high geographical altitude: Evidence for loss of cognitive flexibility?”. Authors: Aland Astudillo, Alejandro Weinstein, Patricio Orio, José Ignacio Méndez Campos, Nelson Trujillo-Barreto, Wael El-Deredy.


August 2018

The team Wael El-Deredy, David Araya, Aland Astudillo presented the oral presentation titled The Brain as an hybrid system at I Jornada Chilena Neurociencia Computacional, Valparaiso, Chile, 9-10 Agosto 2018.