Aland Astudillo Contreras

(2023) Ph.D. Biophysics and Computational Biology, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

I am Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University (WSU), Penrith, Australia. My background includes a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering (Universidad de Valparaíso), and a PhD. in Biophysics and Computational Biology at Universidad de Valparaiso. I have developed skills in the areas of biomedical engineering, neuroscience, and machine learning.

I am a first year research fellow at WSU. Currently, my studies focus on the research of brain activity and dementia, combining neuroimaging, signal processing, and modelling techniques. I am passionate about learning, brain dynamics, and computational models, as well as creating community and advocating for an inclusive, diverse, and open science.


PhD. Thesis project: Brain dynamics modelling

Spontaneous brain activity shows switching behavior patterns which can be related to cognitive functions and neurophysiological alterations regarding changes in brain connectivity. We model the resting state (RS) brain dynamics to relate the spatio-temporal patterns to cognitive functions. Particularly we use Hidden Semi Markov model (HSMM) on electroencephalography (EEG) data to characterise human brain states in different environmental or clinical scenarios. The aim is to relate such patterns to cognitive function, both to serve as markers of disease or disease progression, and as a framework for understanding the relationship between brain activation and cognition. This study contributes to our knowledge about the cerebral mechanisms underlying different clinical setups.


  • (2023) PhD. Biophysics and Computational Biology, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
  • (2012) MSc. Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
  • (2012) BSc. Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

Areas of Interest

  • Biomedical Signal processing
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Brain Dynamics & Modelling
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Local Field Potentials (LFP)
  • Clinical Neurophysiology and Language
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Image Processing
  • Computational Biology
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • Public Health
  • Clinical Applications

Papers & Contributions

  • Trujillo-Barreto, N. J., Galvez, D. A., Astudillo, A., & El-Deredy, W. (2024). Explicit Modeling of Brain State Duration Using Hidden Semi Markov Models in EEG Data. IEEE Access 12, 12335–12355. DOI: 

  • Honcamp, H., Duggirala, S. X., Rodiño Climent, J., Astudillo, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N. J., Schwartze, M., Linden, D. E. J., van Amelsvoort, T. A. M. J., El-Deredy, W., & Kotz, S. A. (2024). EEG resting state alpha dynamics predict an individual’s vulnerability to auditory hallucinations. Cognitive Neurodynamics. DOI: 

  • Coronel-Oliveros, C., Medel, V., Whitaker, G. A., Astudillo, A., Gallagher, D., Z-Rivera, L., Prado, P., El-Deredy, W., Orio, P., & Weinstein, A. (2024). Elevating understanding: Linking high-altitude hypoxia to brain aging through EEG functional connectivity and spectral analyses. In Network Neuroscience 8, 1, 275–292). DOI: 

  • Kau, A., He, X., Nambissan, A., Astudillo, A., Yin, H., & Aryani, A. 2024. Combining Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models. arXiv (preprint)

  • Yin, H., Aryani, A., Petrie, S., Nambissan, A., Astudillo, A., & Cao, S. (2024). A Rapid Review of Clustering Algorithms (Version 1). arXiv. (preprint) 

  • Rivera, L. Z., Rodiño, J., Gómez-Lombardi, A., Astudillo, A., Góngora, B., & El-Deredy, W. (2023). Brain-state dynamics in healthy aging. IBRO Neuroscience Reports 15, S517. Elsevier BV. DOI:
  • Kotz, S.A., Astudillo, A., Araya, D., Dalla Bella, S., Trujillo-Barreto, N., El-Deredy, W. (2023). Modeling EEG Resting-State Brain Dynamics: A proof of concept for clinical studies. bioRxiv (preprint) doi: 
  • Solis-Urra, P.,… Astudillo, A., …Cristi-Montero, C. (2019). Study protocol and rationale of the «Cogni-Action Project» a cross-sectional and randomized controlled trial about physical activity, brain health, cognition, and educational achievement in schoolchildren. BMC Pediatrics 19, 260, 1-16 DOI:

  • Palacios-Muñoz, A., Escobar, M.J.,… Astudillo, A., …Palacios, A.G. (2014). Role of Connexin Channels in the Retinal Light Response of a Diurnal Rodent. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 8, 249, ISSN: 1662-5102 (Electronic) 1662-5102 (Linking), 2014, 1-13, DOI:

Other Contributions 

  • Brain States Dynamics (BSD) HsMM Tutorial. International Virtual event Jun 2021. Contribution: organisation and host presentation.
  • DeMente: Brain, a hard bone to crack (DeMente: El cerebro, un hueso duro de roer). Second Edition. Editorial Catalonia ISBN 9789563247213, CINV, Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Santiago de Chile, c2019 (link). Neuroscience dissemination Book. Contribution: Book Author.


  • 32nd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Psychophysiology ASP 2024 Conference, Perth, Australia (link). Oral presentation: Aperiodic and periodic resting-state EEG activity in Parkinson’s Disease (booklet).

  • 13th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society ACNS 2024 Conference, Newcastle, Australia (link). Oral presentation: Resting-state EEG pink noise, white noise, and oscillatory activity in Parkinson’s disease (booklet).

  • 12th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society ACNS 2023 Conference, Sydney, Australia (link). Oral presentation: Frontocentral pink noise reactivity is associated with executive function in healthy older adults, but not those with mild cognitive impairment (booklet).

  • International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2023 by the International Neural Network Society (INNS), Gold Coast, Australia (link). Oral presentation (on behalf of Beta Aberra Fulle): Efficient Early Warning System in Identifying Enset Bacterial Wilt Disease using Transfer Learning (abstract).

  • XV Annual Meeting of the Chilean Neuroscience Society, La Serena, Chile (link). Oral presentation: Spontaneous brain dynamics characterization in Parkinson’s Disease (booklet).

  • OHBM 2019 Annual Meeting – Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy (link) (program). Poster: Altered resting-state switching dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease.

  • XIV Annual Meeting of the Chilean Neuroscience Society 2018, Puerto Varas, Chile (link). Poster: Resting-state brain switching dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease.

  • Sixth Biennial Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity 2018, Montreal, Canada (link). Poster: Loss of Resting State EEG switching dynamics at high geographical altitude: Evidence for loss of cognitive flexibility?

  • 1st Chilean Meeting in Computational Neuroscience, Valparaíso, Chile. Oral presentation: A generative model of non-stationary brain dynamics (University News) (video).

  • XI Annual Meeting of the Chilean Neuroscience Society 2015, Coquimbo, Chile (link). Poster: Characterization of feedback error-related negativity for the study of adaptive behavior and the reward system (booklet).

  • Symposia Neuroscience meets Valparaíso 2012, Valparaíso, Chile. Poster 1: Multi electrode array: a technique to evaluate neuronal coding and GC function in the retina. Poster 2: ICA generative model and natural images study to allow their use in retinal biology.

  • Biomedical Engineer Chilean Meeting JCIB 2012, Viña del Mar, Chile. Oral presentation: Naturalness in ICA synthesis model of natural images. Oral Presentation 2: Characterization of natural and non-natural image databases using ICA generative model. (University News)

  • VII Annual Meeting of the Chilean Neuroscience Society 2011, Santa Cruz, Chile (link). Oral presentation: Relevant features identification in natural images & their use in retinal biology.